Okay, I think we're ready to begin. Ladies, Gentlemen, and less gentle folks of both genders: we are here to oversee the marriage of Mark and Nora. The Blushing Bride wishes to say a few words before we begin. [Nora]: I know I sent email to everyone that this would be logged, but I wanted to remind everyone again. If anyone gathered here wishes to have something they've said, or everything they said, struck from the log, send me email, and I'll see to it. This log is going to my folks for a Xmas present, so I may do some editing on my own anyway..heheheheheheh We'd like to also extend our sincere gratitude and astonishment for all of you coming to join us in such a special occasion. We'd also appreciate it if you approach this occasion with the seriousness that we do. }8-P~~~~ [Nora]: First, we thought it might be a good idea to give y'all a Readers' Digest version of "our story." How we met, and how we got here. Mark and I met about 2 years ago, when I was a student at UC Santa Cruz. We met on ForumNet (and that's why we decided to get married here, as well). [Harlequin]: After long conversations over the net and the phone, I took the plundge and flew out to California for a weekend with Nora. [Nora]: About the end of February, we were already serious about getting married, but didn't get engaged until May, since we had some things to work out and some fears to overcome. [Harlequin]: We where both afraid that we might be rushing into things, but it was hard not to as everything we did seemed perfectly natural for the two of us. On May 20, 1990, in the middle of a redwood forest in the rain, we proposed to each other, and thus were engaged. [Nora]: Mark gave me my ring at that time, but I unfortunately, being a starving student, couldn't do the same for him. Come June, I realized that I needed to leave school for a while, and decided to move here to Atlanta to live with him. In October, I finally got a job and was able to give him the ring I had always wanted to give him. We have made several attempts to get married, but either timing wasn't right for you all to be with us (damned Underwear party! :) ), or we chickened out. Finally, about a month ago, we were ready. I contacted Rev. Mark, as I wanted him to be our minister, and the rest is history (or will be :-) ). Now that they're here, though, it's important to realize what's going on. This isn't just a net.party; it's a very serious commitment under consideration. As evidenced by the bride's solemn attitude toward the occasion. Are you two sure that you know what you're getting into? [Nora]: Yes, I am. [Harlequin]: And I, too. Can I make a comment? Very well. Go ahead, Glenn. Methinks marriage is one of those things that should only be done when you feel it's the only natural thing to be done. IMHO, these two are the most ready-for-marriage couple I've seen. Thank you, Glenn. We're all relieved. In short, GO FOR IT. [Nora]: Hem.....{gets a little misty-eyed} Mark, Nora: I believe you're prepared your own vows . . . [Nora]: Yes, we have. I'll start. Mark, I've come to love you more than I've loved any human in my lifetime. I've shared more with you and learned more from you than any I know. With that truth, I know that I want to share the rest of my life with you and no other...and my pledge to you as a wife and companion is simple. I pledge to learn and to teach with you, to love and be loved by you, to care for you when you're sick, to hold you when you're in need, and to provide myself as a deeply loving person to you, throughout all of our life together. {Nora leans over and kisses him gently on the left cheek} The kiss comes later. :-) Your turn, Mark. [Harlequin]: Nora, I vow that I will always be for you what you need me to be. Through my love I will always show the great respect I have for you. I will listen to you when you speak. I will comfort you when you need. I will look back with you at our past with a full heart, and I will walk with you into our future. I vow that I will always be as open and honest with you as I can possibly be. All of this is to say that I vow to be your husband by the full meaning of the word. I love you. And now, as tokens of the pledges we have all witnessed today, the bride and groom will exchange rings. {The bride and groom are both wiping tears away.} [Harlequin]: [Nora]: {The rings are simple, matching gold bands.} Now, if anyone here in this company can show just cause why these two should not lawfully be wedded together, let him or her speak now or forever hold his or her peace. Not hearing any objections . . . {The bride and groom are holding hands...} Mark and Nora, please join hands.... Never mind. Okay. I now pronounce you husband and wife. {The happy couple are necking furiously} I charge you to remember the vows that you have pledged to each other this day. {Nora and Mark run over to the Rev and tackle him with a big bear hug and kiss}