CTM/Zia Maps Digital Base Maps CTM/Zia Maps offers elevation-tinted, shaded relief format digital base maps for presentation and analysis work. These maps are created from USGS and NGDC topographic data using CTM/Zia's proprietary software, EdWare, on a Silicon Graphics Iris workstation. Both 3-dimensional perspective views and georeferenced planviews are available. These base maps are raster-format images available as 24-bit compressed TIFF or 8-bit GIF files. They are distributed on 1.44M 3.5" diskette in either DOS or MacIntosh format. Three-dimensional scenes give the viewer instant recognition of complex terrain. Elevation-based tinting, together with illumination and shading from a computer modelled light source (the Sun), bring clarity and enhanced depth perception to the viewer. Continent-scale views include the Earth's curvature, presenting a striking graphic image. Georeferenced planviews are ideal for traditional mapping applications. A fixed scale allows for accurate distance measurements and overlay of geographically- oriented linework such as roads, rivers, and political boundaries. A separate file references the image in latitude/longitude as well as the projection coordinate system (for example, UTM). This lets the user import the image into a Geographic Information System (GIS) or mapping system that supports raster- format data. Alternatively, many users simply utilize the image as a powerful presentation piece in a paint system or illustration package. Higher resolution imagery and custom mapping work are also available. For more information, please call (303) 444-1670 or fax (303) 444-9391.