a.weu/documents File:1329stac.mar Document 1329 3rd September 1992 WEU and the situation in former Yugoslavia ______ REPORT submitted on behalf of the Standing Committee by Mr. Marten, Rapporteur ______ RECOMMENDATION 525 Adopted by the Standing Committee on 3rd September 1992 The Assembly, (i) Acting through an urgent meeting of its Standing Committee; (ii) Recalling Recommendations 506, 511, 512 and 519 which have all sought to prompt specific WEU action to help resolve the Yugoslav crisis; (iii) Fully endorsing United Nations Resolutions 713, 757, 770 and 771; (iv) Welcoming the progress made as a result of the London Conference but saddened that in spite of many attempts, in varying bodies, to find a political solution to the crisis, the suffering of the peoples concerned is intensifying to a devastating degree, not only in Bosnia-Herzegovina but also in Croatia where Dubrovnik is still being shelled nightly; (v) Regretting that the United Nations embargo on Serbia and Montenegro is not being applied effectively, except at sea; (vi) Congratulating the Italian presidency of WEU for its initiatives in convening an extraordinary Council of Ministers meeting in London on 28th August, as requested on behalf of the Assembly by its President, and approving the communique issued which offers the United Nations assistance in delivering humanitarian aid, in the supervision of heavy weapons and in strengthening the embargo; (vii) Pleased that a majority of WEU countries are contributing forces for Operation "Sharp Vigilance" and are prepared to make forces available to support United Nations efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina, but also hoping for a more equitable cost-sharing agreement between member countries; (viii) Welcoming the North Atlantic Council's decision to make NATO's logistical infrastructure available to co-operate in WEU action in the framework of United Nations Security Council directives and also welcoming offers by the United States; URGENTLY RECOMMENDS THAT THE COUNCIL 1. Seek immediate United Nations approval to impose a complete and total land, air and sea blockade of Serbia and Montenegro, the cessation of all financial, economic and other international assistance and the exclusion of Serbia and Montenegro from all international organisations until such time as they comply completely with all United Nations resolutions and the decisions of the London Conference; 2. Respond favourably to Romanian requests for help in policing the border with Serbia and help to establish similar arrangements with other neighbouring countries in the region; 3. Insist that Greece give the necessary assurances of total compliance with the United Nations embargo before continuing the present negotiations for WEU membership; 4. Offer to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to keep WEU forces available to the United Nations under European command and operational control in order to maintain cohesion and to carry out Resolution 770 effectively, and in close co- ordination with the United Nations; 5. Ensure that the WEU military planning cell is fully operational when established on 1st October 1992 in order to play a specific role in the present crisis; 6. Institute a formal liaison mechanism with NATO headquarters and appropriate commands and also with the relevant United States authorities to help promote efficient and cost- effective co-operation and to avoid duplication of effort; 7. Prepare, in conjunction with other bodies, the future military requirements which may become necessary should Serbia not respect the London engagements and, in particular, study the need to: (a) develop the alternative options for action considered on 28th August; (b) plan appropriate anti-submarine and mine-hunting operations in the Adriatic; (c) ensure air superiority in the area of operations and if necessary an air exclusion zone; (d) take steps to ensure sufficient air protection for WEU forces made available to the United Nations; (e) confine all naval assets based in Kotor and Bar; (f) develop electronic counter-measures (ECM) to best effect and, more specifically, jam and neutralise military communications as well as fire control systems; (g) provide military hospital facilities in the region for the treatment of the wounded, both service and civilian, and organise facilities for refugees; 8. Invite non-member nations to co-operate in furnishing military forces to complement WEU assets; 9. Examine action to be taken, including military action, not only to stop present fighting but also to prevent present conflicts spreading to Kosovo, Sandjak, Vojvodina and Macedonia and, in conjunction with the CSCE, consider the timely deployment of protective forces. ------- For information, please contact: Yves ROBINS, Press Counsellor _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ | ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | 43, avenue du President Wilson _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ | F-75775 Paris cedex 16 France _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ | Tel 331-47235432; Fax 331-47204543 _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ | E-mail: 100315.240@Compuserve.com