/pub/academic/computer-science/virtual-reality/3d/red_blue/ will_rogers_stereo.gif This is a color STEREO CompuServe GIF file of the famous American actor, orator, writer, and cowpuncher: Will Rogers 1879-1935. He was born in Oolagah, Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) on November 4, 1879. He became famous for his vaudeville act with Ziegfeld's Follies in which he chewed gum and twirled his lariat while delivering a commentary on the government. These photographs were taken by the stereo photo company "Keystone" at one of 1920 presidential conventions. This image is one of over a thousand high resolution antique 3D images available on the ILLUMINATI 3D-CD-ROM. This disk contains a large collection of famous people, a world tour of Europe/Asia/America, American Indians, Jerusalem and the Middle East, World War I, Presidents, ...etc. Most images are 75 to 150 years old. In order to view this image in 3D you will need to use Red/Blue "Anaglyph" glasses. Cheap cardboard ones can be obtained at comic book stores and they are also provided with the CD-ROM (if you can't find one, write me and I'll mail you one for a $1). Place the Red filter over your left eye, the Blue one should be over your right eye. Enjoy! Reid Judd ILLUMINATI@AppleLink.Apple.Com ILLUMINATI P.O. Box 1399 Durham, NC 27702