From: Sven Geier (
Date: 28-Mar-95 (6:36:10 GMT)
Subj: some speculations

OK, first things first: .21/.36=.583, thus a planet of .21 eath masses
and .6 earth radii should have .58 of earth surface gravity, which
is in agreement with the TC-value of about .591 -- there's no
contradiction here as somebody mentioned earlier (or is the 
little difference a hint to something??)

I like the interprtation of the TCians as prey animals, since
their perception obviously favors breadth over height or length
(judging fom their syntax...). This would go nicely with somebody
elses speculation, that the Cetian in message 3 may be crawling
rather than standing erect. In this case it may be allowed to speculate,
that they perceive things as lying rather than standing - 
like their planet or ther stellar system - which would naturally 
validify the assumption of the image in message 8 being the homeworld
seen from a pole (just as we always picture the earth as somehow "standing"
with the pole axis as a vertical).

The problem with this interpretation is, that this would mean that 
the temperature/difference/ between their poles and equator only
amounts to 28C - an effect which can not easily be accounted for in the
light of the fact that the atmospheric pressure at the surface can't 
be very high due to the low surface gravity.

If "y" is "place" and "w" is "life", then maybe the interpretation
of "wyw" is more something like "home" (the place of life) than
the more technical interpretation of "habitable planet"? This
could be supported by the fact that only "2" is "wyw", even though
797 also carries life?

The planets that carry a "9" are exactly "2" and the two intermediate
sized planets, but neither of the big ones. Is it possible that 
"9" also represents some kind of "life" (or "possibility for life" like
in "hospitable to life" or somesuch)? With "2" being "home" and the next two planets
still being close enough to the sun to at least potentially 
carry life (being "hospitable" - and the second planet does indeed carry some
form of life)? Then 9^0 could actually mean "Cetians are hospitable", i.e.
something like an invitation over for lunch? 

In the inside-out logic of the TC's, the picture in line 3 of
message 8 could be what we would call a bracket. They want to give us
the temperature bracket of ther world and insterad of writing
"temperature of 2 is -20C or 7C" which would be difficult to 
interpret, they indicate these numbers as what we would call the
opposite ends of a spectrum - just that theu don't like ends
and thus give it as center and primeter of a circle ...

the 1st and 3rd line together could then be: "we are friendly and
it's nice here" ...

Long shot: is it possible, that "3" is something like "mind"? 
In message 6 we leard, that "3" contains "m", the universe or the infinite,
and in #8 they tell us that it even contains "-m-", the /concept/ of an
infinity (if the current best guess as to the meaning of "-" is correct ...)
us, that "3" even contains "-m-", the /concept/ of an infinite
quantity (if the current best guess for "-" is correct. I think, it is, since
it gives us "1,2,3" as the concept of "increasing" something (i.e. addition) and
"3,2,1" as the concept of "decreasing" and "X=1" as the concept
of equating things...).

In any event it is interesting, that in both cases the statement was
the last one in the message, making it either something like a postscript
(like "oh, yes, we also do philosophy, not only boring science")
or adds importance to it as the final, concluding words of the message ...

questions upon questions ...


