From: Michael K. Neylon (
Date: 19-Feb-95 (4:6:13 GMT)
Subj: Message 4

If the previous message is right, and !()! represent
units, then the first 4 lines read something like...

'x' is (9,26,44,63) 'x' units.

Now, the numbers don't make sence alone.  However, notice
that the middle of the first line is 9 units into the
message, the middle of the second line is 26 units into
the message, etc, then it would seem that % is a TC
time unit, equivalent to .492 seconds (the length of
one tone).  

Using this, and the assumption that !@! is the TC length
term, then !$! is the units of velocity.  Under this
assumption, the only physical constant that is a 
velocity is the speed of light, and working backwards,
gives up that the length unit is .21 meters.  This gives
the average TC a height of 2.1 meters, or about 6 feet
3 inches, which seems reasonable.

We can also now use the information about time to try
to understand how TC comprend information.  The fact
that they use the middle of the phrase to set the 
time would indicate that that is the last time they
'read', and thus, a TC reads from the outsides in,
indicating (at least) 2 independantly-focusing eyes, 
possibly segmented eyes like the insects of earth.  The
arrangement of the rest of the language seems to support

Also, my thoughts on the !Q! construction.  If we are
looking at units, then this must be some sort of unit as
well.  But since Q...Q represents a number, maybe !Q!
represent a dimensionless number, and the circle of 
radius 1 aids in this.  A couple of other ideas is
that either !Q! is a monetary unit, and the circle is 
a representation of money, or !Q! is another length 
unit, with the scale on the picture equivalent to the
scale on the solar map we got earlier.

(I do agree now the the n...n's are in error...1,7, and
19 are the sizes of hexmaps of radius 1,2 and 3, and
a 2d bitmap of these lengths doesn't make any sense.)


