From: D. J. Schaeffer (
Date: 20-Feb-95 (4:9:9 GMT)
Subj: New tidbit on Message Page

I just noticed that, as well as correcting the transcription of
Message 4, David Levine has informed us that the message is coming in
on the 21-cm wavelength.  This comports very nicely with Mr. Neylon's
calculation of the '!@!' unit of distance being .21 meters, doesn't

Working forward from the 21-cm wavelength as the unit of length, and from .492 seconds as the time unit, and correcting my original
calculations (I was off by 90,000 in my conversion to decimal),
I find that the very large number given by the TCs, when
multiplied by .21 meters and divided by .492 seconds comes to
300,000,000 (and change) meters/second.


