*************************************************************** The Right Stuff - Hints and Tips from APOGEE, the official newsletter of the Miami Valley Rocket Society. Questions or comments? Send E-Mail to Bob Hegwood, CIS: 76276,2552 Or write to: Bob Hegwood 31 Pagett Drive Germantown, Ohio 45327 (513) 855-7105 *************************************************************** Safety 1. WARNING to those of you who like to use the flash-bulb ignition method: Do NOT use the "X" type flashcubes to obtain your flash-bulbs. This type of flashcube has a built-in battery which can set off the bulb during removal. If this happens, some rather unpleasant burns can result. Use the regular flashcubes instead. (Fred Williams) Flight Prep 1. To prevent problems with poor or no ignition of model rocket motors, switch over to using Aerotech "Copperhead" igniters. They are more reliable, easier to use and far more durable. A pack of "Copperhead" igniters for use in 1/2A thru D black-powder motors costs less than the equivalent number of igniters from other model rocket manufacturers. "Copperhead" igniters are available in three different lengths for use in all model rocket motors from 1/2A to G. (Bob Sanford, Aerotech) Construction 1. Yet another suggestion in the body tube seam filler materials saga: Try auto body filler. While on the subject of seam fillers, bear in mind that fillers are soft and may also be sensitive to certain paint solvents. After sanding with a fine-grit sandpaper, spray the body tube with sandable primer, and then sand with fine-grit paper again. The most common sandable primer color is grey, but you can also find white primer which gives a better base for light colors. (Fred Williams) 2. When drilling holes through your body tubes for "epoxy rivet" fin mounts, you should also drill some holes along the root edges of the fins themselves. Place the holes in each fin at a position which is low enough so that your epoxy fillets will cover them. This will make your fin mounts twice as strong. (Bill Curtin, CSAR) Miscellaneous 1. To clean ejection charge stains (and other forms of sludge) from your models, try using a small amount of toothpaste as a cleaner. Squeeze some white toothpaste (Pepsodent works well) onto a soft damp cloth, and rub the model using a gentle circular motion. After the stain has been removed, simply rinse the cloth in water and repeat the procedure to wipe away any toothpaste residue. White toothpastes are recommended since they contain small amounts of abrasive. Avoid "Gel" toothpastes. They generally don't contain enough abrasive. (Manning Butterworth) 2. After a day of launching rockets, liberally spray your blast deflector and launch rods with WD-40. After a few minutes, use some paper towels to wipe away the crud. Before you pack your equipment away for the week, spray it with WD-40 again. This will keep your equipment clean and it will prevent rust. (NARAM-31 range crew)