ROADMAP SYLLABUS "Only the educated are free." -- Epictetus, Discourses Thank you for your interest in the Roadmap for the Information Superhighway Internet training workshop! While the workshop's distribution list is no longer accepting subscriptions, you can still get the Roadmap workshop lessons e-mailed to you!! There are two ways that you can have the lessons sent to you: in individual files, or in one-week blocks. If you have a small e-mail box, or if you only want to retrieve a particular Roadmap workshop lesson (say, for example, a lesson that you have accidentally thrown away), you can send an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU with the command GET FILENAME FILETYPE F=MAIL in the body of your e-mail letter, replacing the words FILENAME and FILETYPE with the filename and filetype for the particular lesson that you want to retrieve. What is a "filename" and "filetype?" Well, look at the following chart: filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP01 LESSON WELCOME MAP02 LESSON LISTSERV FILE SERVER COMMANDS The filename appears in the first column, and the filetype appears in the second column. So, the filename and filetype for the "WELCOME" message would be MAP01 LESSON, and the filename and filetype for the "LISTSERV FILE SERVER COMMANDS" lesson would be MAP02 LESSON That's pretty easy. If you want to retrieve the lesson on LISTSERV file server commands, you would send an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU with the command GET MAP02 LESSON F=MAIL in the body of your e-mail letter. After you send your letter off, a computer at the University of Alabama will process your letter and will -- usually within 24 hours -- e-mail you the lesson(s) that you request! Here is the COMPLETE list of every Roadmap lesson there is, in the order that they were sent out: WEEK1 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP01 LESSON WELCOME MAP02 LESSON LISTSERV FILE SERVER COMMANDS WEEK2 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP03 LESSON LEVELS OF INTERNET CONNECTIVITY MAP04 LESSON E-MAIL MAP05 LESSON LISTSERVS MAP06 LESSON OTHER MAIL SERVERS MAP07 LESSON NETIQUETTE WEEK3 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP08 LESSON USENET MAP09 LESSON SPAMMING AND URBAN LEGENDS MAP10 LESSON INTERNET SECURITY MAP11 LESSON TELNET (PART ONE) MAP12 LESSON TELNET (PART TWO) WEEK4 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP13 LESSON FTP (PART ONE) MAP14 LESSON FTP (PART TWO) MAP15 LESSON FTPMAIL MAP16 LESSON FTP FILE COMPRESSION QUIZ1Q LESSON POP QUIZ MAP17 LESSON ARCHIE MAP17B LESSON FTP SITES QUIZ1A LESSON POP QUIZ ANSWERS WEEK5 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP18 LESSON GOPHER (PART ONE) MAP19 LESSON GOPHER (PART TWO) MAP20 LESSON BOOKMARKS AND BOOKLISTS MAP21 LESSON VERONICA MAP22 LESSON GOPHERMAIL WEEK6 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP23 LESSON WWW (PART ONE) MAP24 LESSON WWW (PART TWO) QUIZ2Q LESSON POP QUIZ MAP25 LESSON ADDRESSES SEARCHES AND FINGER NEAT LESSON MAP-EXTRA: NEAT STUFF TO CHECK OUT ADVERT LESSON MAP-EXTRA: ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET MAP26 LESSON IRC/MUDs/MOOs AND OTHER "TALKERS" SMITH LESSON GUEST LECTURE -- RICHARD SMITH QUIZ2A LESSON POP QUIZ ANSWERS MAP27 LESSON THE FUTURE ... EEEK! That's a *LOT* of files. There HAS to be an easier way to get these files than by sending thirty-five GET FILENAME FILETYPE F=MAIL commands! There is! You can now get the lessons e-mailed to you in one-week blocks, simply by sending an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU with the command GET WEEK# PACKAGE F=MAIL in the body of your e-mail letter, replacing the # with the week number of the block that you want to retrieve. For example, to get all of these "WEEK2" files e-mailed to you WEEK2 filename filetype description -------- -------- ----------- MAP03 LESSON LEVELS OF INTERNET CONNECTIVITY MAP04 LESSON E-MAIL MAP05 LESSON LISTSERVS MAP06 LESSON OTHER MAIL SERVERS MAP07 LESSON NETIQUETTE all you have to do is send an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU with the command GET WEEK2 PACKAGE F=MAIL in the body of your e-mail letter. After you send your letter off, a computer at the University of Alabama will process your letter and will -- usually within 24 hours -- e-mail you the particular one-week block of lessons that you request. Of course, you should request the WEEK1 lessons first, then the WEEK2 lessons, then the WEEK3 lessons, and so on ... I do need to ask you a favor, though. Please only get one week's lessons at a time. I know that there is a great temptation for you to get all of the lessons at once, but that will place a great deal of strain on the University of Alabama's system. The University of Alabama has been kind enough to store these lessons so that you can retrieve them -- we need to repay their kindness by keeping the demand on their system to a minimum. Thank you again for your interest in the Roadmap workshop, and I hope that you will enjoy the lessons! PATRICK DOUGLAS CRISPEN THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS LETTER DO NOT PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU NECESSARILY REPRESENT THE VIEWS OF THE THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA - TUSCALOOSA ROADMAP: COPYRIGHT PATRICK CRISPEN 1994. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.