[b-greek] Re: Hebrews 10:26

From: Michael Markey (mike_mikie@yahoo.com)
Date: Sun Jan 21 2001 - 18:09:27 EST

> To Michael Marky and all,
> On June 18-2001, at 23:00 Michael Marky asked concerning a possible
> issue of apostasy in Hebrews 10:26...Could anyone help me? He went on to
> state.." In many commentaries I have seen.....several have said that what is
> being described here is equivalent to apostasy."
> Michael, I'm going to go with what is an off the top of my head
> definition of what I think most would be referring to when they think of and
> mention apostasy. Please let me know if this does not line up with what you
> are having as a general definition.
> Apostasy....a falling away from...an abandoning the Lord by an
> individual or a church or even "the church". If this fits well with what you
> are thinking....I would say that what is being spoken of in Hebrews 10:26 is
> not apostasy.
> There is in verse 26 a key word in the Greek that will point you back to
> verse 25 as being the subject that is being discussed. GAR! Allow me to
> suggest you go back to Dec 13 and 14-2000 in the archives and observe the
> discussions concerning GAR, its meaning, and application. There, you will
> basically see that what follows GAR is a picking up of a previous theme and
> adding explanation and or emphasis to it. Having said that..let me offer a
> succinct response concerning your question concerning Hebrews 10:26.
> Hebrews in general, and specifically in the verses surrounding verse 26
> is about us...we...they(as in.."all of us")see verse 24,25, it is about God
> with His people carrying out His purpose. For example, look at verse 21
> where we see Jesus as the high priest over..." the house of God "
> As many remind us continually..a concept without a context, is a pretext!
> So I would suggest that the " missings of the marks" in verse 26 are a
> further explanation of the lack of some, in their abandoning and lack of
> caring for each other. Leaving behind each other results in "no house...no
> people of God..no working out of God's purpose.
> Hoping this helps...
> Virgil Newkirk
> Salt Lake City, Utah

Well; how about this: would the use of the present participle here
neccesarily indicate repetetive or continuous action? (i.e. continuance
in sin, or persisting in sin?) I don't understand the idea of the present
participle. Is there an English equivalent?
I think I understand what you said, however why would you link it to
10:25, "not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but
encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
(NRSV); couldn't you link it as far back at 10:19?

thank you
Mike Markey

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