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RE: REQUEST: Lolium multiflorum cvs


A number of annual ryegrass cultivars have been evaluated in Atlantic Canada 
over the past number of years.  Thirty one  cultivars were evaluated from 
1990 - 1993 in Charlottetown, P. E. I..   Mondora, a tetraploid Italian 
type, had high yields and good late season production.  Previous trials have 
resulted in 8 cultivars  on our current recommended list.

I do not have an e-mailable copy of the data, but I would be pleased to fax 
a hard copy to anyone interested.

Clinton McLean, P. Ag.
Forage Specialist
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Box 6000, Fredericton,
N. B., E3B 5H1, Canada
Phone:(506)453-2172  Fax:(506)453-7978
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