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(Fwd) Vacuum Silage

Could anyone help Mr. Backer with his  Vacuum Silage Question ?


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Mon, 17 Feb 1997 16:58:22 -0600 (CST)
From:          backerh@cvnet.net (Harold Backer)
To:            Dlang@Agronomy.msstate.edu
Subject:       Vacuum Silage

Message: can you help me find some information on systems to seal
silage bonnets to concrete slabs in preparation to evacuate air in a
vacuum silage process?  I would like to be able to reuse the si age
bonnet a few times before it ends up in the landfill, so the sealing
system must be "openable and closeable" at will, and airtight when
sealed.  Any other info on vacuum silage systems also grea ly
appreciated. Thanks. Harold. 
David Lang
Associate Professor of Agronomy

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