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precision farming of forages

(My apologies for any cross listings.)

I will be speaking at the International Grasslands Congress this summer, and
would like to know:  How widespread (pardon the pun) is the use of precision
farming on fields of perennial forages?

Precision farming (also known by other terms) often includes analyzing many
soil samples taken in a grid pattern or from areas of the field one expects
might have different nutrient supply, and then fertilizing the field
accordingly (adjusting fertilizer rate across the field, based on soil test
level and perhaps other information, such as organic matter level).

Please let me know of farmers, consultants, fertilizer dealers, etc., who
are doing this for perennial forages.  Which nutrients (N, P, K, etc.,
including pH) are being evaluated by this approach, and in which forages
(alfalfa, clovers, bromegrass, bermudagrass, etc.) are is precision farming
being used?

Thank you.

Michael Russelle

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  Michael P. Russelle                   voice: 612-625-8145
  USDA-Agricultural Research Service      fax: 612-649-5058
  439 Borlaug Hall                     e-mail: russelle@soils.umn.edu
  University of Minnesota
  St. Paul, MN  55108-6028

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