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Re: Roundup information


There is a new awareness noticeable as far as soil management is
concerned,  and we can help
each other see what we look at,  feel what we touch,  and understand
what we hear and what our
environment is all about.
Soil is not just simply dirt!  It is a living entity and has to be
treated as such.  Just as other living
beings,  including humans,  need micro-organisms in order to survive the
soil must be fed by adding
composted materials which,  in turn,  if added in the right amount will
facilitate micro-organisms and
prevent the sun from baking the soil.  Trees and grass will do the
same.  In the fields and other
areas we need to correct the mistakes which are still being made, 
primarily the addition of
It has never been shown scientifically that these chemicals help the
living soil.  On the contrary, 
they frequently kill many of its' components such as earthworms and a
host of micro-organisms. 
This must be brought to the attention of people who are merely
interested in environmental
aesthetics and not the living soil.

Another silent killer and cause of many problems is soil compaction
which can lead to elemental
deficiencies in the trees,  not for lack of elements in the soil but
important micro-organisms have
been disturbed which would normally facilitate the absorption of these
elements into the tree. 
Likewise,  the addition of fertilizers is of little or no benefit to
soil or tree.  In most cases,  composted
materials properly applied will do wonders in time.
Here you have a glimpse of what soil management is all about.


Wouldn't it be lovely if a landscaper knew the difference between ring
porous,  diffuse porous,  and
conifer?  Because if joined in the same planting you create a problem: 
they do not require water at
the same time in the same amounts.

Tree Anatomist & Tree Biologist

Keslick & Son
Modern Arboriculture
Products & Service


John A. Keslick Jr.---Tree Anatomist & Tree Biologist.-             
Sustainable Forest? Only with TREE BIOLOGY in mind.                  
Organic Tree Treatment Web Site: 
