
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

Scott Nudds wrote:
: >  Do you deny that atmospheric CO2 levels are increasing due to man?
: >David Beorn does.

tomgray wrote:
: Is *anyone* in the scientific community contending this is not the
: case?


tomgray wrote:
: Seems to me most of the skeptics are willing to acknowledge
: that CO2 levels are increasing, and that we are responsible for
: the increase.

  Most are, but some denialists are extremely ignorant...

: David Beorn wrote:
: Exactly - human CO2 is basically insignificant compared to what nature
: produces.

tomgray wrote:
: Their skepticism has to do with what the effect of
: the increase on global climate will be.

  This is an area where there can be reasonable debate.

"The probability that the temperature increase of the last century has
NOT been influenced by the greenhouse effect is less than one percent."
-Climatologists Richard Tol and Aart de Vos, Free University of
Amsterdam, A3

