
Toward a Sust Ag Tchrs Guide

Howdy, all--

I'm writing to fill in a few details on the teachers guide "Toward a
Sustainable Agriculture" as per Margaret Reeves's request on the
SAED-SHARE-L listserver.  I am cc'ing this to SANET-mg and SUSTAG-L
in the interest of downing a thousand birds with one virtual stone.

It is designed for high school teachers who wish to build sustainable 
agriculture into their courses, primarily--but not exclusively--ag 
instructors.  It runs about 150 pages and contains

o  Teacher reference guide sections on sustainable livestock and 
cropping systems, the economics of sustainable ag, alternative ag 
enterprises, public policy issues, ethics, and an introduction to 
sustag.  The goal of these sections is to make the teacher 
comfortable with sustag concepts and point them to resources for 
further exploration.

o  An instructional unit outlining the above chapters' key concepts

o  21 classroom-tested learning activities including learning 
objectives, resources, ideas for test questions, and more.

It is accompanied by a 26-page supplement, "Resources for Teaching 
Sustainable Agriculture."  Both publications can be ordered from CIAS 
for $10 for the set of two.

Although it was first published in 1991 (and reprinted the following
year), we have evidence that it was forward-thinking enough to
retain its utility.  "Toward a Sustainable Agriculture" was chosen in
the fall of 1995 as the basis for a set of learning activities that
/National Geographic/ magazine distributed to its 26,000-member
geography teachers' network.  These activities were designed to give
those teachers the means to teach concepts from /National Geo/'s
December-issue article on sustainable ag, authored by Verlyn

The guide was a collaborative effort of the Center for Integrated Ag
Systems, UW-Madison, and the Wisconsin Rural Development Center, with
technical publishing support from the Wisconsin Dept. of Public
Instruction.  It was prepared by statewide task forces of h.s. ag
instructors, farmers, UW faculty and grad students, vo-tech
instructors and staff, and folks from environmental and nonprofit
organizations.  It was reviewed in draft by ag ed teachers across
Wisconsin and revised with their feedback in mind.

To order the two publications, please contact 

Kathy Martin-Taylor

(608) 262-5200


Michele Gale-Sinex, communications and outreach
Center for Integrated Ag Systems/Ag Technology and Family Farm Institute
UW-Madison--1450 Linden Drive 146 Madison, WI  53706
Voice: (608) 262-8018   FAX: (608) 265-3020
I smile a lot lately.  I am at rest. Relaxed. I am life.
--Mister 3D