
Russian Wild Rye Grass

Is Russian wild rye grass more succulent than other pasture grasses such as 
brome, quack or reed canary?

A Black Galloway breeder in Alberta winter pastures his cattle on Russian 
wild rye grass with only snow for water.  We plan to try this with our Black 
Galloways, but we are concerned whether Russian wild rye provides more 
moisture to the cattle than does our grass winter pasture.

Black Galloways are especially winter hardy, consume substantially less feed 
than Herefords or Angus, and are excellent grazers.  They originated in 
Scotland, where they are grazed in the hill country with sheep.

|  Stephen L. Castner     slc@execpc.com            |
|  Kaehler's Mill Farm                              |
|  8707 Kaehler's Mill Road                         |
|  Cedarburg, Wisconsin 53012                       |
|  Voice: 414/377-9377   Fax:  414/377-5002         |
|  Registered Black Galloways ~ Registered Targhees |

Newsgroups: misc.rural
From: PA24088@UTKVM1.UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: Chicken species, especially leghorns
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 20:38:51 GMT

>>   I have a chicken question -- are leghorns more skitterish than other
>>chicken species?
>>my book on chickens says that leghorns are more highly strung.
If you want a gentle chicken that's a great layer, I recommend the black-sex
link. It is a cross between the barred rock and rhode island red. They are
bred as a production brown egg layer and are often raised by 4-H groups. I
sell the eggs and have been very pleased with their production and disposition.