
Re: Range Chickens - Info Source

Regarding the discussion on Free Ranging Chickens:

[  Posting from John Luna (Dept. HORT - Oregon State)
[     (lunaj@BCC.ORST.EDU)
[ One exempary operation involving a system of movable cage "free range"
[ chickens is that of Joel Salatin in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
[ These birds are contained in open-bottomed cages which are moved daily
[ across pasture fields.  The birds are sold in advance to subscription
[ customers, killed and cleaned in an on-farm facility, and picked up on the
[ day of slaughter by the customer. The quality of the meat from birds who
[ have lived outdoors, eaten fresh forage daily and had the opportunity to
[ have sunshine, fresh air, and exercise is phenomenal.  It is not comparable
[ to factory-raised meat at all.
[ [The rest of the message is left off - but was posted to SANET today.]

  Thanks for the additional info, Dr./Mr. Luna.

 I posted this to Michael Mayer (the initial request) this morning:
   (He asked: Does anyone have any info on free range chickens?)
- Last summer, I was interviewed by the Kerr Foundation for
- Sustainable Agriculture (located in Poteau, Oklahoma).
- They have an impressive project relating to free-ranging chickens.
- They also have worked with folks who are interested in composting
- (even dead broilers) and other SA areas on small farms.
- I know that they *may* have some useful information.
- Here is the address:
- The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Inc.
- P.O. Box 588
- Poteau, Oklahoma 74953
- (918) 647-9123
- FAX: (918) 647-8712
- A good contact would initially be: Alan Ware, Staff Horticulturist
- Sorry, I don't have a network address for them, and do not
- know if they have a connection.
- They are involved in actual model farm systems with every
- aspect of SA including agroforestry, a SA hort farm,
- various size composting projects, SA livestock grazing
- systems, etc., etc.  I am relatively sure that they would
- be glad to yield some useful information if they can.



             Joel P. (JP) Bach          (409) 845-0996  Voice
      Range Ecology & Mgmt. (MS 2126)   (409) 845-5579 RLEM Sec'y
        and Agri-Economics (MS 2124)    (409) 845-2336 AGEC Sec'y
            Texas A&M University        (409) 845-6430  FAX
        College Station, Texas 77843      jpb@ag-eco.tamu.edu

            "First there was the grass - then the people"
       "When there's no more grass, there'll be no more people"
