
Re: Seeds of Change

Seeds of Change offers an excellent catalogue, complete with articles on 
restoring the environment, diversity, seed information and amazing photographs.

The catalog can be ordered for $3.00, address: 1364 Rufina Circle #5, Santa 
Fe, NM  83706.

Other seed companies that offer heirloom varieties and good gardening 
information include:

Fedco Seeds
P.O. Box 520
Waterville, ME 04903 
(Fedco is a cooperative seed co. that specializes in varieties adapted to a 
cold climate)

Abundant Life Seed Foundation
P.O. Box 772
Port Townsend, WA  98368
$2.00 for catalog.  non-profit corporation "...whose purposes are: to 
acquire, propagate and preserve the plants and seeds of the native and 
naturalized flora of the North Pacific Rim with particular emphasis on 
those species not commercially available, including rare and endangered 
species; to provide information on plant and seed propagation; to aid in 
the preservation of native and naturalized plants through cultivation..."

J.L. Hudson, Seedsman
P.O. Box 1058
Redwood City, California, 94064

The Ethnobotanical Catalog of Seeds ($1.00) features an incredible variety 
of unusual cultivars; includes trees, shrubbery, flowers, vegetables.  
Incredible diversity of selection.

Peace Seeds
P.O. Box 190
Gila, NM  88038
catalog - $4.00
Organic & wildcrafted seed, hard to find cultivars, 

There are many, many more seed companies of note.  These are just a few 
that I know of -- all of which express concern for preserving diversity 
through collection & propagation of heirloom and native varieties.  

Enjoy perusing these catalogs, hope your gardening season is filled with 
surprises & new varieties.  Cheers, Sharon