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RMHI Chinese herbology and health education directory


Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: RMHI Chinese herbology and health education directory

and health education directory


Educational resources to help health professionals and herbalists gain clinical and practical skills. Use this website as a comprehensive guide to help you plan your education and career in the herbal sciences. Explore thought-provoking ideas for protecting herbalists' rights, improving quality in herbal practice, and promoting common sense in herbal usage.

Herbology, environmental health, nutrition;
On-site and distance-learning programs;
Research and clinical systems development;
Courses and services for improving health.

Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute (RMHI)
Roger W. Wicke, Ph.D., director

PO Box 579; Hot Springs, Montana 59845 USA / 406-741-3811 / email to: rmhi@rmhiherbal.org

Page contents..... Updated 1997.may.26. To ensure proper scrolling, wait for page to fully download before selecting.

The information on RMHI's website is of an educational and general nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Individuals desiring help for specific health problems should seek advice from qualified professionals.

Introduction to Chinese herbology

Sometimes referred to as traditional Chinese medicine or TCM, the traditional Chinese herbal sciences are a distinct, independently recognized body of knowledge from acupuncture, with a 2000-year history of continual evolution and refinement. Because the term "traditional Chinese medicine" includes a variety of techniques including acupuncture, we refer to the Chinese system of growing, processing, and clinical usage of herbs as the Chinese herbal sciences. (We avoid using the term "medicine", to distinguish our profession from that discipline.)

Chinese herbal science provides a means for maintaining and improving health distinct in methods and philosophy from the Western medical tradition, which focuses almost exclusively upon biological tissue pathology. Instead, Chinese herbal science is more empirical and integrates an individual's sensations and perceptions with the herbalist's perceptions and experience to arrive at common-sense solutions. Rather than focus on isolated bits of medical data or on individual symptoms, precise clinical rules and principles lead to herbal strategies based on whole-body criteria (or in mathematical terms, functional state-space descriptors of complex systems in dynamic flux). As a science (system of knowledge and inquiry), it is based on principles of repeatability, consistency, and a constant striving for improvement in technique and understanding.

The modern Chinese herbal sciences include a range of subject areas including clinical applications and research, pharmacognosy, botany, agronomy and plant taxonomy. While herbal research lags in the U.S., China, Japan, and other Asian countries actively support research and development of these fields, for the ultimate benefit of TCM herbalists and their clients worldwide.

For a more detailed introductory explanation of how Chinese herbology differs from Western medicine in philosophy and practice: How to choose herbs using methods of Chinese herbology.

Who we are- offering herbal education and health care for over a decade

The Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute comprises a small group of independent teachers, herbalists, and researchers committed to constructive action in solving personal and community health care problems. We have taught courses to both professionals and the general public, published textbooks on Chinese herbology, offered herbal health care to the public, and conducted research projects for over a decade. (Brief biographies of our instructors and staff...)

We support your right to uncensored health information and information about herbs, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. To use herbs for improving health and to teach others how to do this requires no license, only knowledge and dedication.

Chinese herbal sciences FAQ

The articles and pages in RMHI's website answer many frequently asked questions about Chinese herbology. This FAQ page includes questions about methods and philosophy, personal health, professional training, certification and continuing education.

NEW courses, articles

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The Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute's
Health Sciences Kiosk

Following are links to RMHI essays, reference information, quizzes, clinical case studies, and reading lists on herbal health care and other health topics. Introductory topics are listed first, followed by progressively more advanced material of interest to the professional herbalist. Information published here is for educational and reference purposes only; individuals should consult qualified health professionals in matters of personal health.

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Directory of RMHI courses and services

Here are links to RMHI pages about courses and services we offer, plus advice for beginning herbalists and individuals wanting to improve their health.

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Other useful resources for herbalists. Links to useful online information on herbal sciences, health topics, book distributors of herbal textbooks, herb products, research resources, etc.

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Rocky Mountain Herbal Institute
email: rmhi@rmhiherbal.org
homepage: http://www.rmhiherbal.org/
Since 1996.dec.12: 2785 +