
Re: CSA query (fwd)

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: 19 Apr 1996 23:05:33 -0400
>From: Drobbi <drobbi@aol.com>
>To: sustag-public@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
>Subject: CSA query
>I'm freelancing an article on organic farming/CSAs focused on Eastern
>Massachusetts.  It seems like, all told, the number of CSAs in the U.S. is
>climbing.  I've found lots of reasons why many organic farmers are turning
>towards CSA.  Does anyone know of any that are turning away?  If so, why?
>hi Lawrence

we have an organic vegetable and market . see http://www.gks.com
                                                 McSmith's Farm Produce
we have a pre-payment option version of CSA. Over the last two years there
have been regular CSA's in our area. Unfortunately ,the grower sells too
many shares and is not able to satisfy his members. Several times either the
grower or his member come to our farm to buy our produce. this certainly
turns the member off the next year and it becomes expensive for the grower.
i think it must be stressed that the grower must be organized and have
"stick to it ness".Just because you might have some surplus veggies doesn't
mean the you can grow more to feed more the next season. Successive planting
is really important.
the grower must know what the members are expecting..(tomatoes to
freeze,potatoes to store etc)

bye for now            Cathy        please check out our homepage.