
OneEarth Gallery featuring your site

Dear Webweaver,

   As the director of OneEarth, my goal is to promote
socially and environmentally conscious companies and organizations on
the World Wide Web.  The OneEarth Gallery, http://www.1earth.com/ is
part of the effort to reach our culture with the messages that I think
they need to hear.

   I am sincerely glad to see a site like yours on the Web.  I have
added your WWW URL to the OneEarth Gallery in recognition of your
committment and contribution to improving the quality of life in our
Thanks for suggesting it!

I have 2 requests:

1) I'd appreciate if you could find a way to add a link in your WWW
pages to the OneEarth Gallery (http://www.1earth.com); the exposure
would benefit all the other companies and organizations listed there.

2) I've described OneEarth's philosophy in the "Clients Focus" page at
"http://www.1earth.com/1e_clients.html".  If you have any suggestions
WWW sites to be listed in the Gallery, please email them to me!


ps.  OneEarth provides WWW consulting services. If you are interested,
	or know of a worthy organization needing a WWW home, refer to: