
Re: Link to your forestry homepage

Sure,  Here is the URL


>I met your uncle, John Idol, at the North Caroliniana Society
>meeting here in Chapel Hill this past weekend. He told me about your 
>work in the field of forestry and that you have a Web page online
>devoted to that subject. I have a large collection of 
>agriculture-related links and would like to add yours to it.
>Could you send me the necessary URL?
>I am an organic market gardener with interest in collecting
>useful information in print and in eletronic media related to that topic.
>Many thanks,
>Lawrence F. London, Jr., Venaura Farm, Chapel Hill, NC USA 
>london@sunSITE.unc.edu - http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london
>london@mercury.interpath.net - http://www.interpath.net/~london 
>Organic Gardening, CSA, Permaculture & Renewable Energy Information


334-844-1084 (FAX)


The world population is expected to double by the year 2100.
Therefore the annual demand for wood for energy (etc.) 
will increase and might double (to more than 7 billion m3/yr). 
To provide plantation wood for people in the future, 
support the planting of trees on pastureland.
Set a goal of converting 8 million ha of pastureland/yr for the next 55 years.
This would increase tree plantations to about 5% of the world's landbase.

Support Zero Population Growth for the United States
