Re: Farmers' Market-Based CSA? (fwd)

Lawrence F. London, Jr. (
Wed, 5 Jun 1996 16:08:52 -0400 (EDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 00:37:23 -0500
From: steve bonney <>
Subject: Re: Farmers' Market-Based CSA?

Duncan Hilchey wrote:
>Has anyone ever heard of a "farmers' market-based CSA?" I was just
>considering the possibility of combining these two marketing strategies in
>some way so that vendors and their farmers' markets could generate
>additional early season income, and shareholders could get greater variety
>than at more conventional CSAs.

This is a good idea for persons or groups who already use farmers' markets
as a sales location, but are otherwise not connected. It seems that all it
would require is some organization. However, this is probably not an easy
task, since
the vendors sell as individuals and were not originally motivated to
organize as a collective. Equity of contribution would certainly be an
issue. The organizer might need an extra cut, but the market would not be
due one.

Some current CSAs consist of several growers or preparers, who organized
because of the motivation to do so, usually before the CSA was formed. And
some CSAs use farmers' markets as distribution points.

The scale would have to involve many more than 50 subscribers, for $2000 is
not enough income, even as a supplement, over a growing season. Some CSAs in
the Midwest have had great difficulty in securing enough subscribers to
generate a living. Many view farmers'markets as a market of desparation.

These are some realities and perceptions that must be overcome. I,
personally, want to see more successful farmers' markets and more
successful CSAs. Your idea has merit in the grand scheme of that success and
should be tested.

Steve Bonney, President
Indiana Sustainable Agriculture Association
100 Georgton Ct.
W. Lafayette IN 47906
(317) 463-9366, fax (317) 497-0164