Re: CSA Mission Statements
Wed, 25 Sep 1996 09:26:15 -0400

In response to John Barclay's request for mission statements of CSA farms:

Spring Hill Community Farm in Prairie Farm, Wisconsin, had its first CSA
season in 1992. I serve on the core group of the farm. I believe that it
was in the winter of 1992-93 that we developed the mission statement.

The mission of Spring Hill Community Farm is to bring people and land
together in a practical, enduring, life-giving community. We do this by
growing and distributing food in a way that is just and sustainable; that
helps us develop skills and knowledge of land and community stewardship; and
that connects rural and urban people to the land and each other in a way that
celebrates life and harmony with the earth.

As in past years, our January letter to members this year quoted the mission
statement, and then reviewed 1995 in terms of the mission.

Good luck!

Mark Schultz