Re: MACSAC Food Book

marcy ostrom (
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 18:35:11 -0600

Dear BRateaver (sorry, don't have your name here),

In response to your message about the MACSAC Food Book:

>The trouble is, there are already so many people who think almost entirely in
>terms of destroying the most valuable part--the enzymes---by cooking.
>Doesn't anyone have a superduper book on how to eat foods RAW to get the

>I know of one, by a woman who is already whitehaired but eats everything, yes
>everything, 100 % raw. It is called the Uncook book. by Elizabeth Baker. That
>is what you should maybe be promoting.

Don't know of any really great raw food books, but I'd be willing to bet
they're out there somewhere. We tried to include as many raw food recipes
as possible. This was a participatory project - we asked CSA farmers and
members to send in their favorite ways of using vegetables and this book
reflects what we gathered. This isn't your normal sort of cookbook as it
includes information on CSA, on each of our CSA farms, on our farm
coalition, facts on each particular vegetable, information on eating
seasonally, and information on preserving the nutritional qualities of
vegetables, etc. We're pretty excited about it. However, I'm sure that
there will always be room for improvement on the next go round.

Personally, I find the best way to get a dose of raw vegetables is to spend
a harvest day working on a CSA farm. The winter gets a lot more
challenging - do you have any secrets for getting down a quantity of raw
