Re: northern climate

Rhys Howitt (
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 07:02:31 +1000

Milo wrote:
>My friends in New Zealand are amazed that we can still spend hours outside
>without being heavily layered with sunblocks and covered up tight. They tell
>me that much more than half an hour leaves them pretty fried otherwise.
>Comments from down under?
That's my subjective assessment too. The weather bureau publishes daily 'UV
ratings' and these seem to go up and up on average, though I haven't done a
full study of it.

In the primary schools now, children are not allowed to go outside to play
without a hat. When ours do, they get promptly crisped (true, they do have
fair skin and obviously little prior exposure!). I too have been surprised
at getting sunburn in quite brief exposures. Some days are worse than others.

Rhys Howitt
Crossroads Medieval Village Co-operative
Yass, Australia