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Permaculture Design Course CA

From: Joe Dalsin <joed@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: Permaculture Design Course CA
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 12:06:57 -0700 (PDT)

    (Permaculture <-- Permanent AgriCulture / Permanent Culture)

The only classes with Bill Mollison in the Northern Hemisphere in 1997!

    Bill Mollison has announced his retirement from teaching!
         This may be your last chance to take a course
              from the creator of Permaculture!

Southern California June 16-27, Near Santa Barbara
Northern California July 14-25, Near Half Moon Bay

This is a two week residential course with 72 hours of instruction.  

What are some of the things you'll learn in this course? 

 How to: 
  - Turn deserts into prairies within a year or two. 
  - "Read the land" for it's potential. 
  - Design inexpensive, environmentally sound buildings and 
    incorporate them ecologically into the landscape. 
  - Find land to farm in your community for $1 per acre per year. 
  - More than double the yield from your rangeland while 
    increasing soil fertility & the health of your herds. 
  - Avoid disaster; fully and thoroughly check out a piece of 
    land, inventory it's resources and problems before buying it. 
  - Become an Ecological Land Developer and provide as many as 
    three middle class incomes per acre in land based, value 
    added, agricultural enterprises. 
  - Rehabilitate destroyed soils to support limited agriculture 
    in a few months. 
  - Assemble high yield food forests. 
  - Create Oases in drylands-Growing trees without irrigation 
    using only 6 inches of rainfall. 
  - Desalinate salted land 

What's Special about these Courses? 

  Of course, any time Bill Mollison teaches, the course is special. 

Other unique aspects are: 

  - Our strong international recruitment, you'll be learning
    alongside colleagues from other countries. 

  - New material developed since the publication of Permaculture: A
    Designers' Manual. For instance, detailed information on the 
    nuts and bolts of CSA farming, retirement crops, how to devise 
    your farm/organization's legal structure to avoid paying 
    unnecessary taxes, examples of making a living in ways that 
    don't cause you to compromise your ecological/social values, 
    and Mollison's "Next Phase of Permaculture"-designing whole, 
    "self-building" fully self-sustaining towns. 
  - Invaluable new written handouts, illustrations & resource lists. 

  - Food will be largely organic and purchased or donated directly 
    from the farmers who produce it!!! 
  - Special guest presentations in the evenings. 

  - Scholarships to encourage participation by people of diverse 
    cultural and economic backgrounds. 
  - "Trade show" day with suppliers and manufacturers of 
    appropriate tech products which may be relevant to your own projects. 
  - College credit, and PCA credits applied for. 

For more information check out the Web site at: 

Or write Dave Blume at: dblume@permaculture-institute.org

Or write "real" mail to:

International Institute for Ecological Agriculture(IIEA)
PO Box 620930
Woodside, CA  94062-0930

Tel: 415-365-2993, Fax: 415-355-2241