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Re: Land Management Society (WA)

>From: majmer@bigpond.com
>Subject: Re: Land Management Society (WA)

>Thanks Bruce,
>	As one of the W.A. members of the Ecological
>Farming Information Society. I would hesitate
>to join another group or use their newsletter at this stage. We are quite
>capable of putting out our own newsletter if we feel it is necessary, and I
>am also sure that the LMS would be willing for us to have a reciprocal
>membership arrangement for the exchange of ideas as does the Ecological
>Farming Information Society.
>	Regards,
>	Gail

This is why Kipling wrote those lines "First the gods create madness in those
they wish to destroy" from Kipling quoted by Alan Savoury.

Ecological Farming Information Society.
Ken Bailey from that Society express his concern at the fact that we were 
in competition with one another instead of working together.
I have made reciprocal arrangement for LMS, Permaculture, SOMA. Now
Ecological Farming Information Society and Whole Farm Management are in the
discussion as well. Add the Health Network, and the Vaccination Awareness
Group, HM, Bio-dynamic farmers, Organic growers, Lc-dcs.
The only people who have access to the information relating to the Sum of 
the whole are the executive. Members remain uninformed.
One News letter for each group speaks of wasted resources. It also 
restricts the number of groups as a farmer I can physically and financially
I can place all of the above under the heading of Permaculture.
Permanant Agriculture/Permanant Culture. As the moderator of the 
Permaculture list, I have exchanged information to my readers on all of 
the above.

I speak to my argument as a farmer in a small country town with 14 sporting
and social organisations being supported by a smaller and smaller community.

The groups quoted are now my community, and I know that to increase the 
diversity is to give it energy.(Permaculture Design Principal). To give it
edge is to give it energy.(Permaculture Design Principal).
I would also add that to manage it holistically( while discussing the 
principals and reason for implementation) would make sense. I know it
would create wealth in my community.
As a co-counsellor I know that people  who are distressed cannot 
think clearly about themselves. I got a dimension around love that I didn't
get in a Christian church.
As a graduate of the Landmark Forum I know that I can generate energy for 
myself to acheive what I want to achieve. I also know that miracles happen 
when I step into the area of "what I don't Know I don't know". And that
I can create possibilitties just with my conversation, that will empower
those I talk with. I also know that if I don't make you wrong we can always
continue the conversation.
 From my relationship with all of you I realise I can contribute to a gaol
less society. 
And so I stand for that.
Each one of you add another dimension to my understanding.
There is much more you have given me but this will do for now.
I rest my case.

At 09:12 AM 2/27/98, rrutherf@calpoly.edu wrote:
>Many of you in the U.S. saw the pictures of a recent tragedy on the
>Cuyama river which is just 30 miles from here. A swollen river cut into
>a road bank, causing a washout (sinkhole), which swallowed at least four
>> >The Land Management Society of Western Australia has now released a =
>> >paper covering the farm monitoring program in the state of WA.
>> >
>> >The Society is run by volunteers with support from government funds to =
>> >develop and run the program which started in 1988. The first year of a =
>> >three year program, to establish monitoring kits on farms across the =
>> >state, has just been completed. 80 farms now have kits. The primary =
>> >objective is to establish the monitoring of agricultural impact as a =
>> >standard farm management practice. The Kit is intended to establish =
>> >standards in procedures and data parameters so that the data has a =
>> >common basis, this allows aggregation for catchment and region =
>> >management.
>> >
>> >By mid 1999 over $1,000,000 will have been invested in implementation.

Victor Guest   V.G.Guest                       Perth, Western Australia
victor.guest@eepo.com.au                 1 Annato Street Greenwood 6024 
                ----: Sustainable Agriculture :----   Tel. (09) 2464674
--: The Land Management Society & The Permaculture Association:---
          -----: Men Of The Trees, Holistic Management :------
       ------: Revaluation Co-Counseling Landmark Education:------
                -----: AAEE  and Greenteach :-----
   http://www.cowan.edu.au/~paustin/ipc6 for the proceedings of the 
               Permaculture Convergence on line