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Re: Roundup

>From: HELEN COLEMAN <helenc@southwest.com.au>
>To: Permaculture WA <perma@eepo.com.au>
>Subject: Roundup
>X-Listprocessor-Version: eepo-0.11 -- EEPO ListServer
>X-Comment:          Permaculture in Western Australia
>I am continually being told that the herbicide Roundup, is 'perfectly safe',
>with one old codger telling me 'you could drink it!"  and that I should be
>using it on my garden to control the rampant kikuyu, instead of persisting
>with sheetmulching.  I am longing to argue with these relics, but I don't
>have the statistics that I need to convince them.  Can anyone direct me to
>some conclusive proof of the harmful effects of Roundup?
>Thanks for any help you can give,
>Helen Coleman

Victor Guest   V.G.Guest                       Perth, Western Australia
victor.guest@eepo.com.au                 1 Annato Street Greenwood 6024 
                ----: Sustainable Agriculture :----   Tel. (09) 2464674
--: The Land Management Society & The Permaculture Association:---
          -----: Men Of The Trees, Holistic Management :------
       ------: Revaluation Co-Counseling Landmark Education:------
                -----: AAEE  and Greenteach :-----
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