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the fertrell co. web page (fwd)

    Support your local organic market farmer, buy products with
 Sustainably Grown, Natural, Ecological or Biointensive labelling
   http://sunsite.unc.edu/london/vfm/   VIRTUAL FARMERS' MARKET
           http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
          london@sunSITE.unc.edu   llondon@bellsouth.net

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 16:34:24 -0500
From: Jeff Mattocks <jeff@fertrell.com>
To: london@sunsite.unc.edu
Subject: the fertrell co. web page

Dear Mr. London,
     I appreciate that you have sited the Fertrell Co in conjuction with
organic and sustainable agriculture products.  I am writing to inform
you that Fertrell has a new location and web page.  The page is
currently located at www.fertrell.com.  I hope you have the oppurtunity
to visit and give feedback.  I also hope that you will include our new
location as a link for people looking for answers about
sustainable/organic agriculture.

                                       Thank you,
                                       Jeff Mattocks