Food systems stuff you'll like to know about

Michele Gale-Sinex/CIAS, UW-Madison (
Tue, 5 Nov 1996 19:23:49 -0500

Howdy, all--

Thought it might interest you to know that the latest issue of
/Agriculture and Human Values/ (the journal of the Ag, Food, and
Human Values Society) has a very interesting summer, 1996, issue.

Women's home garden practices in NE Thailand
Indigenous dryland farming in N Burkino Faso
Community food security and environmental justice
Coming into the foodshed (a discussion of the foodshed concept)
Community shared agriculture
Black farmers/farms
Food consumption among Chinese, Chinese-American, and White American
Traditional African American foods and African Americans

The issue is subtitled "Multicultural considerations from cropping to
consumption" with Jacqueline M Newman as the guest editor.

Those of you with interests in regional food systems stuff I think
will find this issue has lots of good information. A copy of the
foodshed article will be available in about another two weeks on the
CIAS Web site:

This issue also has the call for papers, posters, and proposals for
the society's 1997 annual meetings, which will be held here in
Madison this summer. We'll have stuff on the Web site about that too
very soon

To order this issue of the journal, contact editor Richard Haynes:

Happy election day!


Michele Gale-Sinex, communications manager
Center for Integrated Ag Systems
UW-Madison College of Ag and Life Sciences
Voice: (608) 262-8018 FAX: (608) 265-3020
I'm a problem solver. --Xena, Warrior Princess