Re: Meat, vegetarians

Marjorie Rayburn (
Mon, 6 Jan 1997 08:35:33 -0500 (EST)

Thanks, Vaughn Jones.
Just a few additional comments from a non-apologetic sheep and cattle
person who eats meat and dairy products in moderation and enjoys it:
Some "vegetarians" also consume eggs and/or dairy products
(ovo/lacto-vegetarians). It is true that from an individual animal
perspective, animals are not killed to produce these products. However, from a
population perspective, only about 50% of the population is female (producing
eggs and milk). What do we do with the male animals if we are not going to eat
meat? As long as there are hens there will be roosters. As long as there are
cows, ewes, does, there will be bulls (or steers), rams (or wethers), and buck
goats (or wether goats).
There is nothing wrong with a vegetarian diet for those who chose it
and work to make it nutritionally sound to meet human nutrient needs. However,
I feel it must be an informed choice and people should be aware of the
implications of their choice. (As should others who do not chose to be
Marjorie Rayburn

> Few vegetarians will avoid dairy products.
> Then are they vegetarians?
> But you are welcome to eat all the meat you prefer. And I am sorry, I still
> detect not ex, but very active cattle farmer and consultant attitudes in
> your writings.
> My heart is, and always will be with animal farming (grazing).
> Best wishes,
> Vaughan Jones
> (ex dairy & beef farmer & consultant)
> Hamilton
> New Zealand
>-- End of excerpt from Vaughan Jones

Marjorie Rayburn  (Ms. IPM)
E-Mail  : mrayburn@chowan
Phone   : (919) 482-8431