Looking for Florida Wholesale Agro products

Linda Ray (LINDARAY@worldnet.att.net)
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 00:38:24 -0800

Linda Ray writes:

Looking for producers in the State of Florida of Top Grade Organic and/or
sustainable agricultural products, including Organic produce, poultry,
eggs, dairy, raw honey, beef, vegetable oils, etc., who are willing to
sell direct/wholesale in variable, sometimes smaller, quantities to a
buyer within the State. Also seeking contact with Florida's budding wine

Small producers are fine. Family farms are fine. Larger operations
are also fine. Ship or, depending on location, we may pick up
at your facility.

No genetic-engineered crops, please.

If anyone is one or knows of such producers, please
contact Linda Ray by Email if possible, Email LINDARAY@worldnet.att.net
or call Voicemail 954.583.2944 and leave product and contact info. Thank

Linda Ray
Linda Ray Research

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