'97 NCR SARE Producer Grants

Mohammadreza Ghaffarzadeh (mog@iastate.edu)
Wed, 15 Jan 1997 11:38:20 -0600

We do have several 20-30 years series of agronomy, crop science, pathology
and.... journals, which would like to find a good home for. Please, if
anybody is aware of a local place in the US (maybe the library of congress)
let us know we would happy to ship it locally. Sending them overseas is
expensive and finding a reliable location in hard. Appreciate any other
suggestion too.
Mohammadreza Ghaffarzadeh phone: (515) 294-7845
3503 Agronomy Hall Fax: (515) 294-3163
Iowa State University e-mail: mog@iastate.edu
Ames, Iowa 50011