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Sustainable farming classics online


I just uploaded an addition to our Rural Writings Menu at


that highlights a couple of recent efforts to put some classics of
sustainable farming literature online.  

The links include Steve Solomon's Holistic Agriculture Library, where you
can read Sir Albert Howard's An Agricultural Testament and several other
hard-to-find works.  There's also a link to a new project from West
Virginia University Extension's Ed Rayburn called Ye Olde Forage Library.
It features D.B. Johnstone-Wallace's 1938 pamphlet Pasture Improvement and
Management, a work cited often by Andre Voisin in his classic, Grass

If you are aware of any other similar sites, please let me know.

Craig Cramer
Sustainable Farming Connection -- "Where farmers find and share information."

"The water will never clear up 'til you get the hogs out of the creek."
-- Jim Hightower