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Sustainable farming classics online

I thought the forage-mg group might be interested in this.

>Return-Path: <almanac-request@AMANI.CES.NCSU.EDU>
>X-Sender: cdcramer@clarityconnect.com
>Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:14:42 -0400
>To: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu, SAED-SHARE-L@cornell.edu
>From: Craig Cramer <cdcramer@clarityconnect.com>
>Subject: Sustainable farming classics online
>I just uploaded an addition to our Rural Writings Menu at
>that highlights a couple of recent efforts to put some classics of
>sustainable farming literature online.
>The links include Steve Solomon's Holistic Agriculture Library, where you
>can read Sir Albert Howard's An Agricultural Testament and several other
>hard-to-find works.  There's also a link to a new project from West
>Virginia University Extension's Ed Rayburn called Ye Olde Forage Library.
>It features D.B. Johnstone-Wallace's 1938 pamphlet Pasture Improvement and
>Management, a work cited often by Andre Voisin in his classic, Grass
>If you are aware of any other similar sites, please let me know.
>Craig Cramer
>Sustainable Farming Connection -- "Where farmers find and share information."
>"The water will never clear up 'til you get the hogs out of the creek."
>-- Jim Hightower
Pam Murray, Coordinator
Center for Grassland Studies and
Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
PO Box 830949
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68583-0949
phone: 402-472-9383
fax:   402-472-4104
e-mail: csas001@unlvm.unl.edu