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Re: comments on UDSA/NOP cost and benefits to organic farmers and handlers

First let me say I am a organic grower and not a public speaker.  So
forgive my crudness. I know about the cost now I want the benefits.  The
National Organic Standards Board has received many comments
           from the public on the subject of pesticide drift onto organic
           farms. In addition, discussion and debate of the drift issue at
           the May 1993 NOSB meeting clearly indicated that the majority
           of NOSB members think that pesticide drift incidents should be
           handled in the same manner as the NOSB Draft Recommendation for
           government emergency pest eradication programs.
The above statement is a joke.  If the USDA has the right to tax the
organic farmer and make him jump through all these hoops then  they should
give up their right to government emergency pest accreditation programs on
the organic farmer.  It's not right that organic farmer works for years to
make himself  fully organic and late one night the government can come and
spray his crop .  It is the organic farmer that need protection. How USDA
can  tax the organic farmer year after year after year and yet they're
still allowed to spray them with the insecticide?  . Also the USDA must
label genetically engineered life form that may make it way into organic
farms or processors or handlers so that the poor organic folks will be able
to tell the USDA DNA altered life from non Frankenstein natural life forms
. Organic food is so important that there is a tax on the organic farmer
and policeman checks his land, and makes him jump through hoops for the
sake of the consumer then government has no right to ever ever ever ever
spray them with any chemicals

The National Organic Standards (NOSB) requests that the Secretary
           recommend to Congress that certified organic producers who incur
           crop losses and/or market losses caused by pesticide or fertilizer

           drift or misapplication be eligible for reimbursements from Federal
           crop disaster programs or Federal crop insurance programs for
           all damages and expenses incurred. Such eligibility should only
           apply in situations where the drift incident or misapplication
           occurs as the result of actions of a person who is not the
           organic producer or a person working under the direction of the
           certified organic producer.

 If USDA or the state sprays organic farmer he destroys the balance that
the farmers has been building up for years and years he cannot be
compensate by paying for the loss of a crop or two. His lively is destroyed
and years and years of his work and the work of nature has been destroyed
and the balance that he has been working on is gone.  How can they have to
nerve to tax us and make us jump through hoops and still be allowed to
spray us? If you sign up to be registered organic you are giving away your
right to protest being sprayed. You are telling the world yeah spray me
just pay me for the crops I can not sell organic .  Well this is not all
the cost of a spray one organic land .  You have before hand agreed to be
spray by signing up.  It is a trap. The public needs protection from the
USDA not from the organic farmers. If I sign up I should at least get a
guarantee that the Government will not spray me for any reason without my
permission.  Also Cal trans and other road people must not be permitted to
spray the road by me and farmers living around me must not be allowed to
spray if it may land on my farm.  If the farmer has to give up so much in
cash and burdens then the same USDA must see to it that there is no over
drift and there is no government sparying! I have been farming organic for
over 18 years so who ever sprays me should pay me for the next 18 years
just to get back to even after the spray. and should also pay me for the 18
years of my life I loose because one night the same USDA and/or some STATE
that taxes me sprays me. If I have to pay protection money then protect me
from the state sprayers and the USDA sprayers.  Protect the organic farmer
so he can sell his product as organic.  I think the organic farmer is
paying and not getting protection from all this shit.  I can go on and on.
But you get the idea. 

Also the organic food processors has to know what enzymes are genetically
engineered because we have to know to be able  to make organic food stuff.
The USDA should also label genetic engineered all  life forms that may make
it way in too the organic food lineup.  In fact the USDA should not release
any DNA altered life forms that may for any reason enter the organic food
chain.  We must protect organic food. That should be added to the test for
gene altered life  form releases (can the life form contaminate the organic
food chain.)  The USDA must label genetic engineered life so that the
organic farmer can avoided them.  It is the USDA and the state that take my
protection money so they must protect me.   It is the USDA and the state
that the people who want organic food need protection from not the organic
farmer.  They must label so that we can label.  People want organic food
without USDA approved pesticide, funguside,herbicide,etc. so the USDA must
see to it that organic is organic and that means they must watch their own
selfs because they are the comtamanators.  
The organic farmer needs protection in order to give the people organic
food.  This bill does nothing to protect the organic farmer from the state
or the federal government from all those that will contaminate him.
-------------------------The USDA must label DNA altered life forms so that
the organic farmer and processor can label organic.  The USDA must never
spray or contaminate an organic farm.  The USDA must clean up the organic
farmers water supply.  The USDA must clean up the air around the organic
farmer.  The USDA must protect organic food from any contamination if they
truly want to give the people organic clean food.  Until then get off my
back and out of my pocket.  The USDA has a lot of work in front of them to
give the people organic clean safe food and they should not start by taxing
and burdening the poor organic farmer that is doing no wrong.  I will say
it again

. An organic grower should not have to pay 1 cent extra to grow and sell
crops as organic if they are.  

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