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Urban agriculture URLs

Howdy all--

This week's URLs brought to you courtesy of Yom Kippur, which will 
take up our usual Friday URL cyberhunting and linksgathering time.  

Here's a kick-pants set of links to urban ag sites, courtesy of
Canada's office of urban agriculture.


The Webmeisters write:

"Urban Agriculture Notes is written for those who want to start up
their own "Office of Urban Agriculture", for those who have already
done so, and for gardeners who are curious about what we refer to as
political horticulture. So sit up, bear with us as we add to this
site week by week and listen to the birds singing in our garden."

I liked this sub-link with pointer, "Community gardens":

Gosh it sure is some collection and bit of work....  Somebody in
Canada has been very busy with this site.

Apologies to those of you who already have seen it!  To the rest of
you, hope you enjoy.


Michele Gale-Sinex, communications manager
Center for Integrated Ag Systems 
UW-Madison College of Ag and Life Sciences
Voice: (608) 262-8018   FAX: (608) 265-3020
If you knew what life was worth, you
would look for yours on earth.  --Bob Marley

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