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[Fwd: Re: comments onUSDA/NOP cost and benefits to organic farmers and handlers]


Douglas M. Hinds, Director General
Centro para el Desarrollo Comunitario y Rural A.C. (CeDeCoR)
(Center for Community and Rural Development) - (non profit)
Petronilo Lopez No. 73 (Street Address)
Apdo. Postal No. 61 (Mailing Address)
Cd. Guzman, Jalisco 49000 MEXICO
U.S. Voice Mailbox:  1 630 300 0550 (e-mail linked)
U.S. Fax Mailbox:  1 630 300 0555 (e-mail linked)
Tel. & Fax:  011 523 412 6308 (direct)
e-mail: cedecor@ipnet.com.mx, dmhinds@acnet.net, dhinds@.ucol.mx

-- BEGIN included message

sal wrote:
> I love when this guy posts because he makes my case for me. ...Well
> the $5000 gross is not what I call a help for a small farmer. 

You can't live on that much less farm - DH

> This guy is supposed to be working for us but
> I feel he is working for the big boys 

Nah, he's working for Eric.

> the problem is that once this Act goes though it will take a
> act of congress to change it. 

So why don't you get off your ass and on your feet - Out of the shade
and into the heat? (so they say).

> We don't need to make more problem for
> the small farmer. He acts like $250 here and $400 there is nothing 

I've got news for you - he's poorer than you are.

> ... where does
> he get this $250 out of his own head 
> Don't let this guy sweet talk you. 

Yeah, I found that out.

> It is sad that the money and the paper work is more important than a
> mans rightousness.

Who said they are?  Where are your balls? (Sorry - can't think of
another way to accurately express that point).

> He says there is are people
> selling organic that are lying. This may be true. 

There are even people selling truely organic lying.

But there is a constitutional issue here.  No one -  government
included, can rightfully appropriate the use a common word (like organic
or natural) in or out of commerce, nor mandate certification of a claim
that may well be true on it's own merit, just as buyers can not be
prohibited from buying only organic products certified by the ISIO (I
Swear It's Organic) organization instead of non-certified organic, if
that's what they choose to do.  

The law can and should be tested in court once it's inacted and if
anyone really cares about this issue, they ought to set out to do that,
set up shop and drum up the support required to fight that effectively,
instead of just fiddling around on the internet through a couple of list
servers that most people don't read anyway - although those lists may
not be a bad place to start.  (They're just a bad place to quit).

Where is government's faith in the market?  Why is government messing
with what ain't broke, creating additional burocracies and a greater
burden on the tax payer, instead of going after the infractors?

Yeah, Sal doesn't lack arguments (maybe just guts) and spreads them too
thick, in the wrong places and with no real follow through.  (Could it
be that he DOES actually have a hidden war plan?  Stay tuned for the
next episode of Anger Man).


Douglas M. Hinds, Director General
Centro para el Desarrollo Comunitario y Rural A.C. (CeDeCoR)
(Center for Community and Rural Development) - (non profit)
Petronilo Lopez No. 73 (Street Address)
Apdo. Postal No. 61 (Mailing Address)
Cd. Guzman, Jalisco 49000 MEXICO
U.S. Voice Mailbox:  1 630 300 0550 (e-mail linked)
U.S. Fax Mailbox:  1 630 300 0555 (e-mail linked)
Tel. & Fax:  011 523 412 6308 (direct)
e-mail: cedecor@ipnet.com.mx, dmhinds@acnet.net, dhinds@.ucol.mx

-- END included message