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PLEASE help to distribute to your associates and other interested parties on other waste,

There is an absolutely gorgeous Carolina Blue sky over the mountains
with the crispness of Fall and the smell of wood smoke and apples in the
air. The reds of the sourwoods, dogwoods and maples are a perfect
contrast to the brilliant yellows of the hickories and the greens of the
oaks just beginning to turn. The view across the mountain ridges promise
a perfect leaf season and the exposed greys of the granite ridges
reflecting off the surface of the lake in the valley couldn't be more
beautiful! Those attending the Southeastern meeting of the International
Composting Association on Thursday and Friday of THIS WEEK will see the
beauty of the Smokey Mountains at the absolute peak and enjoy mountain
culture at its finest! Remember, it begins this Thursday October 23 at
9:00 with a full host of speakers addressing a broad range of composting
and sustainable agriculture topics as we kick off this first meeting of
the International Composting Association.

This will be a very low key, informal meeting style with
much time for discussion and networking. Given the setting in the
mountains during the Fall many of you will, no doubt, be staying over
the weekend to enjoy the scenery and relaxation. Any meetings after
hours are totally up to you. Any interested in establishing committees,
discussing other topics, or meeting as individidual states or special
interest groups are encouraged to do so after hours and throughout the
weekend. Such arrangements will be left up to the individual states
etc.. This would be an excellent oppotunity to launch your local

Thursday October 23 Lake Lure Municipal Hall auditorium Meeting begins
at 9:00  Seating for aprroximately 180...after that, standing room only

8:30 Physical room setup & prep...You are invited to assist
9:00 Welcome, Safety, Contacts, Logistics
9:15 Introduction to the ICA
9:30 Informal Breakout Into Groups....Who we are
10:00 Don Boekelhyde Charlotte Mecklenburg Backyard & Community
Education 20/10
10:30 Todays Composting Industry & Community Concerns & Issues (discuss)
11:00 Luanne Lohr U. of Georgia 45/15
12:00 Lunch  (Per your arrangements and needs)
1:30  Lawrence Winship Hampshire College 45/15
2:30  Jim Shelton USDA NC State Ext 45/15
3:30  Breakout    What we expect of the ICA
4:00  Present  Groups present summaries from above breakout
4:30 Day Over.....Informal sessions per your requirements meeting
elsewhere per your arrangements and desires

Friday October 24

9:00 Gary Brietenbeck LSU 45/15
10   State Caucus Breakout and planning
10:30 Report summaries from above to group
11:00 Static Pile Composting 45/15
12:00 Lunch  (Per your arrangements and needs)
1:30  In-Vessel Composting 45/15
2:30  Windrow Composting   45/15
3:30  Discussion of Committee needs
4:00  Appointment of Committees
4:30  Meeting Over and cleanup
Weekend ...up to you

Please arrange for your own breakfast and/or coffee before the 9:00
start each morning

All sessions will start and end on time to assure a timely flow and
fairness/courtesy to all

MY number in Lake Lure is 704-625-9889

As this is YOUR meeting I will leave any other activities or meetings up
to you and welcome your suggestions. Where you see numbers like 45/15
that is the presentation and question times alloted. How you use that
time will be up to you. There will be no charge to attend, but there
will be a box in the back of the room to accept contributions to cover
the meeting costs.

Lake Lure is 20 minutes from Asheville and thirty minutes from
Greenville or Spartanburg SC.

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