Re: GBlist: Question: Sustainable and healthy homes

Nadav Malin (
Thu, 20 Feb 97 08:25:06 -0000

Just to continue my recent "tooting my own horn" streak:

George James, director of DOE's Building America Program, just told me
that the EBN article from November 1996 called "Rethinking the American
House" is the best article that has been written on his program. As
always, back issues are available...


>I would just like to add to Marc's reply that the DOE Build America
>program has developed system-engineered homes in a nation-wide demo
>project. The have a few regional teams of builders making low-energy
>(and reduced material) homes. I've heard that initial results showed
>some major cost savings. Al Hodgson at Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab did
>some indoor pollution measurments for them. Again, these may not be
>totally "green" buildings, but they sound like a quantum leap toward
>that goal. For more info, see Energy Design Update article in the last
>1-2 years, or DOE; Joe Lstiburek is on one of the regional teams.

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