GBlist: Controlling Ventilation Systems
Sat, 8 Mar 1997 13:00:46 -0500 (EST)

Greg Thomas asked, "There are a variety of parameters to control ventilation:
CFM per person, Air Changes, CO2, and RH. If you had to pick one, which one
would you pick and why?
---------Dave Brook replied:
I didn't see any indication of whether this was a commercial or residential
structure. If it's residential, why spend a lot of effort trying to control
it so precisely? I'm a firm believer in continuous operation of whole house
ventilation systems with manual boost for high occupancy/pollutancy (?)
periods. Although my opinion is no reason for others not to try and puzzle
sophisticated control systems out, they'll have to get pretty darn
intelligent before I'd install one in my house. After all look at the
"adaptive recovery" thermostats that can't adapt to rapid changes in
temperature conditions because they're so smart.

Dave Brook
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