GBlist: Even when they've got it.. they don't get it!

Bruce Coldham (
Sat, 8 Mar 1997 12:10:35 -0500

Last week I was participating on a jury to determine the 1997 NESEA Design
awards to be presented in association with the 'Building Energy" conference
in Cromwell, CT. Among the entries was the Boyne River Ecology Center in
Ontario - a fine and deserving project that is rather well known as an
example a "green building". HOwever what really captured our attention was
a post-script section of the entry entitled "Even when they've got it..
they don't get it!". This was a series of hand annotated Minutes of the
Program Development Committe that attested to the (architect's?)
frustration and exasperation at the way in which this exemplary project has
mis-understood and more by the client in its current incarnation. I hope
I'm not telling tales out of school here ... it is not my intention to be
scurulous. But the clear message is that a successful project requires more
than a great design and a well integrated construction team. Boyne River
was a great finished project as far as we could tell. But, over the four
or five years since it completion it seems to have been diminished in
effectiveness by lack of understanding ... and lack of communication. ....a
Ferrari that's used for commuting.

I am sure that this is not a unique situation unfortunately. ARC DEsign
Group's modest experience is that a determined (pre-conceived) plan for
post-occupancy evaluation is especially necessary in these more innovative
buildings - though we think we have a lot to learn about the form of this
continued formal interest, and how it is compensated.

I would like to know what those of you who have responsibility for
innovative projects have to report on your experiences of how the
buildings that you have helped create have lived up to their goals,... and
what you have done to ensure that the value embedded in the project at
opening day is augmented rather than diminished with time and use.

I would like to gather a set of really interesting and instructive examples
as a basis for a forum at next year's NESEA 'Building Energy" conference,
and perhaps other venues.

Bruce Coldham

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