GBlist: RE: How Ken Kern Died

Jim Rosenau (
Wed, 19 Mar 97 15:44:00 PST

I knew I would have to explain the remark. Ken Kern wrote a series of
popular books during the height of the back-to-the-land movement, circa
1975, starting with "The Owner-Built Home." In fact, he wrote so many
books derived from that title that it began to seem like a joke to me.

How he died: He was sleeping alone in an experimental structure he built,
(I believe it invovled PVC pipe, plastic and soil) and during a rainstorm
it collapsed on him. While I don't like to joke about tragedy too
publicly, I file his death in my mind along with Adele Davis (promoted
health food, died from cancer) and Jim Fixx (promoted jogging, had a
fatal heart attack while running).

Kern printed one quote that serves me daily, which he attributed to the
Chinese, "The man who finishes his house, dies."

Jim Rosenau
From: Tom Anderson[]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 1997 4:37 PM
To: Jim Rosenau
Subject: Re: How Ken Kern Died

Jim Rosenau wrote:
> Bill Christensen,
> I really like your analysis of the state of Straw Bale. I've heard too
> much bunk from the starry-eyed ones, but still value the spirit they
> bring. There is an understandably strong emotional appeal to creating
> one's own shelter with simple tools and materials. It's not that
> different from the desire to grown vegetables in the back yard. It's
> humans have been doing for millennia.
> But whenever I hear about a new building system, I remember how Ken
> died.
> Jim Rosenau
> Books That Work
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How did he die?

Thank you.

Tom Anderson

Mechanical Systems Design
South Burlington, Vermont

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