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Re: GBlist: Wetlands

Dear Seath,

Have you ever read the Constitution of the United States?  There has to be a
balance.  This is a blatantly Unconstitutional law and will be struck down. 

When an unelected official can tell a citizen what to do on his own property,
something has gone very wrong.

When a one meter mud hole wet for 3 unconsecutive months of the year is
touted as a wet land, the system has gone awry.

I agree that there has to be wetlands, but what about the public health...if
you will remember the draining of some of the wet lands was to rid ourselves
of disease and pestilence.

I am not for runaway development, I am for sane government BY the people, FOR
the people.

It just seems to me, that there can be a balance struck....which I am sure
the Supreme Court, or revolution will some day bring.

This is America, WE all have the right of self determination.  This means I
have the right to do as I desire on or with my own property.   No government
has can tell us what to do on or with what we pay for with sweat, blood, and
our hard earned money...period end of story.

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