

Lawrence F. London, Jr.

Title: McDonough

William A. McDonough

Fellow of the Institute for Sustainable Design

Dean and Edward E. Elson
Professor of Architecture

The University of Virginia
School of Architecture

206 Campbell Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22903
tel: 804-924-7019\6455 voice mail
fax: 804-982-2678
e-mail: wamcdonough@virginia.edu

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As an architect, designer and educator in the modern era I have been working with the products and processes of the First Industrial Revolution. I have come to realize that often the very stuff with which we make things and the systems we mobilize for their delivery cause us to destroy more than we create. Our pattern of designing, taking, making and wasting is clearly beginning to cause terminal stresses in humanity and nature. I wonder if it must always be so.