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correlation between anthesis and seed maturity for grasses

Dear Colleagues:

Peter Jones and myself are looking at the flowering time and seed maturity
of Tall Fescue (Courtenay) and Orchardgrass (Arctic) to select plants that
flower and produce seed ready to harvest at the same time.  Peter observed
that plants that are at the anthesis stage first do not necessarily develop
mature harvestable seed first.  He observed that some later flowering plants 
had mature seed before the earlier flowering plants.  It  is generally
accepted that there is a direct correlation between anthesis in grasses and
the date that the seed is ready for harvest.  If this is true is correlation high
or low?  In particular does anyone have or know of data or literature
supporting the above observations or the more general expected
correlation  of early anthesis, early seed readiness?  If  you do we would
like to hear from you.

Thank You

Klaas Broersma
Kamloops Range Research Station
3015 Ord Rd
Kamloops, B.C.  V2B 8A9
ph (604)554-5206  Fax (604)554-5229
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