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Re: Help! Model Ordinances, Direct Marketing Farmer Surveys


We just started a farmers' market in our village. It is small this year
(about 10-12 growers who are anything from retired farmers who just can't
stop planting to village gardeners who have too much produce.) It was very
successful and it became clear that there is a great deal of demand for
fresh, clean, local food. We are looking for more growers next year, and the
current growers are expanding their gardens for next summer. (We live in one
of those midwestern soybean/corn colonies....Crops are exported and produce
is imported from other states.)

We didn't do anything official as far as organization or certification. We
arrived at the village park on Friday afternoons and set up. We checked with
the local policeman and all he wanted was to buy beets. His attitude was that
we could regulate ourselves. 

In the process, one of our growers started making coffee cake to sell along
with her herbs and vegetables. She was approached twice by a 'certified'
caterer and was asked for her certification. So our grower went down to the
county and picked up the paper work to certify a farmers' market. I would be
happy to snail mail it to you. It is simple and straightforward and covers
any grower that shows up. After reading it, it looked like we were following
all the rules, even though we didn't know them. (They are very basic, common
sense rules.)

I am interested in your organization (I notice that you call yourselves
"Farmers' Market Trust'.) We have no formal organization and so far that has
worked just fine. But down the road we may need one. I'd appreciate it if you
could explain what you mean by "Trust" and if it is a legal entity.


Sue Casson