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Re: TH: Perennials & Annuals around Trees ...

 Post-To: Tree-House@Majordomo.Flora.Com (Community Forestry) ----------
At 07:28 PM 6/4/97 -0400, you wrote:
> Post-To: Tree-House@Majordomo.Flora.Com (Community Forestry) ----------
> -------
>>  The issue of aerating the soil hadn't occurred to me.  Planting
>>  aggressive annuals must have a positive effect for the street trees
>>  with their roots cutting into the compacted soil.  And what about
>>  the earthworms?  Can they navigate heavily compacted soil like
>>  yours?  Should we be putting a worm in every pot -- or in every pit?
>Worms, worms, worms.  Well, some worms can burrow through just about
>anything.  But not the red wiggler type that most people use in worm
>boxes.  Worms also want to be eating something that is dead.  So, if you
>are trying to keep the worms alive you'll need to give them some food like
>leaf mulch.
>New York City
Earthworms and other soil burrowing critters do a lot of good to soil
structure through the aeration and decomposition functions they provide. If
they are absent from the area, introducing them is a great idea! Lisa's
right though, they need food! Coffee grounds are excellent earthworm food
and I would think the grounds would blend right in with mulch and not be
Shaub Dunkley
2608 University Dr.
Durham NC 27707
